Domestic Investigation
Background Check Nannies & Maids
At MS Recoveries & Investigations, our agents are continuously conducting Childcare, Nanny and Caregiver Background checks. This search provides inexpensive, fast, and comprehensive screening for babysitters, maids, home health, elder care, private tutors and other domestics.
Records show that a great percentage of background screening performed on Childcare, Nannies and Elder Care have provided an alarming results. These results could be such as, DUI arrests, theft/embezzlement, assaults or prior criminal history.
Our investigators at MS Recoveries & Investigations have proven time after time that installing these cameras can remove all doubt about your worst fears. When you are at work and someone is providing care for your loved one in your home, you want to know that they are receiving the best possible care and, additionally, that your valuables are protected.
Background Check Potential Renters
As a landlord, it is important to know who is renting your property. Whether you are renting a home to a single tenant or several apartments to multiple tenants, you cannot be too careful when accepting a tenant. Choosing a bad tenant can result in property damage, complaints from other tenants and property owners, and a variety of other issues.
Therefore, if you are looking for a new occupant for your property, it is only logical for you to conduct a thorough tenant screening. Regardless of how trustworthy they may seem, it is never a good idea to entrust your property to someone without getting all of the facts.
Tenant screening services allow you to:
- Keep your home and neighborhood safe with criminal background checks
- Protect yourself financially by choosing tenants with good credit history
- Avoid renting to shady characters by verifying identity, employment, and salary
- Check previous rental history to detect any troubling patterns in tenants
Background Check Home Improvement Contractor
for the safety of your property and your family, it is a best practice to have a background check conducted on anyone who will enter your home. Whether you have the time and expertise to do this yourself, or whether one of our investigators can help you
Child Support
If you are a custodial parent or guardian who has a court order stating that an absent parent must pay child support, you have an obligation to yourself and your children to see that the support order is enforced. Often, this means that you will have to locate the missing parent on your own. We can help.
Some methods we use in child support enforcement investigations:
- Undercover Covert Operations
- Skip-tracing (locating the persons whereabouts)
- Public Records Search
- Hidden Asset Investigations
- Surveillance
- and More
Child Custody
In the case of a divorce or separation, child custody investigation can help make sure that the child involved stay safe. A parent or court may order a child custody investigator to determine what the child’s experience is like with a custody or non-custody parent. Investigations of parents sometimes reveal chronic neglect, child abuse, or parental alcoholism or drug abuse. If you need to know, a private investigator or qualified child custody investigator can tell you the truth and can save your child’s life.
Cheating Spouse
Even thinking that your spouse may be cheating is a difficult and painful thought. Unfortunately, if you have a suspicion that your spouse is unfaithful, you may be right–according to some statistics, wives who suspect their husbands of cheating are correct 80-85% of the time, while husbands who suspect their wives of cheating are correct 45-50% of the time.
Hiring a private investigator may seem like an extravagant move when leaving your marriage, but in some cases it can mean the difference between winning and losing in battles over money and children. Hiring a private eye during your divorce might sound invasive, but it is a perfectly practical way of protecting yourself (without having to sneak around on your own).
Physical Abuse
Domestic violence affects millions of people each year. It is generally described as physical or emotional abuse inflicted by one’s spouse, intimate partner, or housemate. A domestic violence investigation allows the victim to gather evidence in order to press charges against the perpetrator. A private investigator assists both men and women in compiling proof and documentation to pursue their domestic violence legal case.
Home Security Surveys
Nowadays security risk factors impact our daily lives. The likelihood that your home is safe from attempted burglary and invasion is a priority for most families. Lookin security risks and breach entries is something that should be looked into seriously as you may be the target of someone with mischievous intent.
We can look for the access points and help to ensure that you are covered from any attempts on your home and self protection.
Security Device Installation
getting the correct set up for your home is important to ensure everything is done correctly. Even though for some it is as simple as buying a camera and placing it around outside of the home, there may still be security risks such as blind spots and uncovered areas.
Hiring MS Recoveries will ensure all points are covered and that your home is fully protected.